Sponsor a program only appear on user accounts who have a minimum of 500 Gems points. Click the Sponsor a program on User Menu, then you will be asked to choose a Program Category, choose one you want to register among 4 choices Temple, Lake, Vacation, and River.

Assuming you choose River, then click Next, on the Registered River form, Select New River to register a river that has never been registered (not listed), or select one from the list to register a new Spot/Checkpoint of the same river. Type River Name if you register a New river or skip River Name if you only register a new spot/checkpoint on a river that is already listed.

Checkpoints are places or spots where you operate/activation. Rivers can be very long and could be located in several different cities/districts. That's why so important to describe the checkpoint or spot where exactly you transmit from. Fill in the checkpoint with the name of the location or spot that has been determined.

Latitude and Longitude are spot/checkpoint coordinates, you can search on google maps to find the exact coordinates. Next, fill in City/Regency, Country, Province, and select DXCC Entity from the list. Sponsored by is choosing your own callsign or someone else's callsign if you want your friend to be a sponsor using your Gems. This means we can register a program for others as Gift.

Relevant Information is how you describe the event. For example, if we register the Martapura River with the Menara Pandang Checkpoint in Banjarmasin, then explain a little about what Menara Pandang is which contains tourism promotions so that radio amateurs have an interest in visiting the Menara Pandang. River Photo, please choose your own photo or take it from the internet, but any content taken from the internet, whether copywriting or pictures, must include the source of the content. Youtube videos must be related to the event, just copy the youtube link to the form. Finally, click Create to complete the registration process.

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Danau Bandar Kayangan YB/RI-L002 Lake Indonesia Activate!
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